Sofia Vergara Boobs Could Get Me To Buy Just About Anything

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bill-swift - March 31, 2011

I imagine Sofia Vergara coming to my front door pushing some kind of craptastic product and I can not possibly imagine saying, 'No.' I can easily imagine staring at her amazing rack and cleavage to the point five steps beyond rude and ungentlemanly. Yes, Ms. Vergara, I will buy a three year subscription to Suds and Dudes magazine, I mean, oops, I dropped your order form, Ms. Vergara, would you mind? Shooting a commercial yesterday for Pepsi, Sofia Vergara put her full body assets to use, including that bodacious pair of ta-tas and a bottomside junkside that if you listen closely, you can hear begging for a spanking. At least, I can hear it. Oh, Sofia, I'm not giving up my beloved Coke Zero for your Pepsi, but, if you take your top off, I'm certainly willing to discuss options. Enjoy.

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