Jessica Alba Looks Stupid in Leggings

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bill-swift - May 16, 2006

So, I was out on the town the other night, hanging out with a pal, and I noticed something. There was an inordinate number of girls wearing leggings. A lot of leopard print long shirts, and black leggings. I think I saw at least 20 girls in leggings, and one thing was true about all of them. They looked ridiculous.

I don't know who started this stupid trend, but I do know who popularised it. Celebrities like Lindsay Lohan, and Sienna Miller have done nothing to improve the fashion sense of young women everywhere, by propogating this annoying trend. And now, Jessica Alba is making it worse.

Jessica Alba looks stupid wearing leggings. There I said it. The three-quarter length leggings are this year's Ugg boot, and are just as dumb. Why on earth would you want to go and ruin a perfectly cute dress, by wearing ugly black leggings underneath?

To all the girls who read this blog, stop wearing leggings. If you're doing it because you think the latest trends will impress us guys, you're wrong. We think it's dumb. Go back to wearing skirts, or jeans, or any other regular clothes that have always looked good. Don't pay attention to Jessica Alba. Unless she's wearing a bikini. Bikinis are good too.

More pictures of Jessica Alba looking un-good after the jump.

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