X-Men 3: The Last Stand Trailer

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bill-swift - March 7, 2006

Um... Wow? So I think the new trailer for X-Men 3: The Last Stand was really pretty good. I mean, the action looks cool. The story seems intense (though borrowing heavily from Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men). And they pretty much threw in every mutant character ever in the series, but there's just something missing. It's hard to pin-point, but I'd say it's that little bit extra that just makes you jump up and down with anticipation. I guess it just didn't pass the fanboy test.

I think it all boils down to the Ranter Factor. I must say, however, Kelsey Grammer as Beast looks amazing, and I'm fairly stoked to see Angel, too.

But, decide for yourself.


Also, check out the screencaps from the X-Men 3 trailer, after the jump.

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