Would Disney Ever Create A Marvel/Star Wars Crossover?

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bill-swift - January 20, 2016

Disney has had a redonkulous amount of success with two franchises that it acquired in the last fifteen years: Marvel Comics' properties and Lucasfilm's Star Wars. At first, like a lot of people, I was skeptical that Disney was going to do a good job with two of the biggest pop culture phenomenons of the 20th century. I was pleasantly surprised with how good the Marvel movies are and I thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But Stan Lee, the legendary Marvel Comics writer, seems to think that Disney would do the unthinkable and do a Star Wars/Marvel crossover. Can you imagine how horrifically terrible that would be. Lee seems to think that Disney is capable of anything. He says,

"Obviously, the people who produce these [movies] are looking to be as successful as possible. If they feel that incorporating 'Star Wars' with the Marvel characters will be very successful, they'll find a way to do it. Can you imagine Spider-Man saying, 'May the force be with you'? It may come to that!"

I work in the film business when I'm not writing for Egotastic and I can concur with Lee that the people in charge are a bunch of greedy bastards. But I would hope, and maybe this is wishful thinking, that someone at Disney would point out how catastrophically terrible it would be to have the Incredible Hulk fighting Kylo Ren or Spiderman slinging his web on Coruscant. It's too horrible to imagine. 

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