William Shatner Vs. William Shakespeare

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bill-swift - April 18, 2014

Action Bill - A LEGO Stop Motion Short Film from AMAA Productions on Vimeo.

I remember when I was getting a useless degree in theater that I heard a snippet of William Shatner doing Shakespeare. It was as if he was killing the bard all over again. It's not that Shatner is a bad actor, he's just...OK, he's a bad actor. He's sort of the Laurence Olivier of bad acting. He's chewed more scenery than a guy in a Godzilla suit. I'm not saying that just any actor can do Shakespeare right. Have you seen Keanu Reeves in Much Ado About Nothing? It's like a kick square in the nutsack. Still, if people didn't expect great acting from amazing material like Hamlet or King Lear we probably wouldn't have anything to compare Bill Shatner's acting to.

That's where this amusing Lego cartoon of Bill Shatner going back in time to kill Shakespeare comes in. It's called Action Bill and it was created by AMAA productions. There is only one other person who can save Willy Shakes. I'll give you a hint: He's bald.

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