Who is Following in Neil Armstrong’s Lunar Footprints?

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bill-swift - August 28, 2012

The world said goodbye to Neil Armstrong this weekend. The first man who either walked on the moon or the first man who ever was filmed walking in a secret underground film set made to look like the moon passed away at 82. Though he's dead and gone now, his footprint on the Moon will outlive all of us and there's something kind of amazing about that. Though in my opinion he should've drawn a tic-tac-toe game into the dirt instead and let future generations try to beat him.

There are a lack of true heroes today and until NASA finally starts returning my phone calls to get my ass to Mars already (though the Quato living in my stomach has finally had his email returned), it doesn't look like they'll be sending anyone there. So who are the greats out there? Who are the men who have picked up where Neil left off?

We take a look at five men who have tried to take their own small steps for man here on Earth and manage to make me feel both proud and incredibly emasculated. Thanks a lot, guys! It's hard enough to impress my girlfriend as is without you gallivanting around the globe.

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