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bill-swift - August 8, 2005

It's been a while since I've brought you all some fun new trailers, so here are a few I found to be particularly interesting.

  • - Indie-style arthouse flick directed by Mike Mills, and starring Tilda Swinton, Vince Vaughn, Vincent D'Onofrio, Benjamin Bratt, and Keanu Reeves as a hippie orthodontist. Looks real good.

  • - An oddly incestuous romantic comedy starring Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner, and the ubiquitous Mark Ruffalo? Okay.

  • - Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon in a Johnny Cash biopic.

  • - CG cows get revenge on the townsfolk. I have no words.

  • - Another good-looking indie flick. And is that the same kid as in Thumbsucker?

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