This Amy Schumer Video Is Actually Pretty Sexy. You Should Watch It

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Sam Robeson - November 28, 2018


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Gotchya. This is a video of Amy Schumer throwing up into a cup. Gotta get those clicks somehow. I actually saw this throw up video after just writing that Lena Dunham was "somehow out Amy Schumering Amy Schumer" with her recent interview in The Cut. But with Schumer's vomit video - as well as her lengthy caption that very well may have been the source of her nausea - she's out Lena Dunhaming Lena Dunham's out Amy Schumering. I think. Get out your own upchuck cup if you want to get through her soliloqueef accompanying the Instagram vid:

Turn sound off if you have a weak stomach. This was my ride to my show at @tarrytownmusichall tonight and a picture from the end of my set. I love doing stand-up more than anything and I hate cancelling shows. I have to postpone some until I feel human again. But i will make up these dates and we will have a great time. I’m so proud of my stand up right now and can’t wait to share it. Thanks to the amazing crowd tonight for being so warm and such great laughers and for being cool with my sweatpants and slippers on stage. Shots by @marcusrussellprice we are shooting a doc of me these past few months leading up to a special Im filming and you will see that I’m strugglin right now. But I’m so grateful and excited to be a mom. I’m grateful I have access to healthcare, as we all should have. But I guess what I’m really saying is Fuck Hyde-Smith and anyone who voted for her. My feelings on her are best expressed by the above video. And I don’t usually agree with speaking ill of crackheads, but she has a crackhead looking mouth. Tiny racist teeth. Also the MLB commissioner donated the max he could to her confederate ass campaign and that was after her crack mouth said she would attend a public hanging. #crackmouth #tinyracistteeth #hyperemesisgravidarum

She's pregnant? Oh, that's right, she's pregnant. Something that Schumer has reminded us of incessantly since the moment her antichrist of a zygote took hold. Someone found her attractive enough to nut inside her gut. She's pregnant everyone. Kim Kardashian charters private 747s and Amy Schumer is pregnant. What's she again? Oh yeah. Pregnant. There's a baby growing inside of her and causing various pregnancy-related illnesses. Because she's what? Goddamn pregnant. And don't you fucking forget it.



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