the police were or were not called on Chris Brown

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editor - March 23, 2011

Depending on who's right, the NYPD was either called or not this morning after Chris Brown threw a hissy fit and smashed a window at Good Morning America, and now may or may not be in trouble. Radar quotes a source who says...

"The police weren't called, and unless ABC decides to call the NYPD, no action will be taken."

While TMZ says as close as you can get to the exact opposite short of writing the sentence backwards.

ABC staffers called the cops after Chris Brown's tirade this AM to document the broken window in the building, and this could spell big trouble for the famous singer who is currently on probation.
If Chris did indeed smash the window, it probably constitutes at least 2 crimes -- vandalism and assault on the passersby below.   As a result, the judge in the Rihanna battery case could revoke Chris' probation and, worst case scenario, he could end up in prison.

Unfortunately no one actually saw Brown break the window, and for whatever reason the NYPD never actually showed up, so he's likely in no trouble whatsoever. When asked for a comment, Paris Hilton said they should arrest him anyway, because "he's probably guilty of something", and then some stuff about the show running out of fried chicken and putting a tire swing in the dressing room for "them" to play on. After that it got pretty racist.

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