The NYPD Rookie Who Gave a Lieutenant a Lap Dance at a Christmas Party Has Been Identified

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S J - December 22, 2021

The female rookie who was caught on camera giving an NYPD lieutenant a lap dance at a Christmas party recently has been identified.  According to Daily Mail, the rookie in question is 26-year-old Vera Mekuli.

They also claim that the lieutenant might not have been the only police officer to receive a special dance.  Here's a look at Vera when she's not grinding on NYPD lieutenants.


I guess not being able to let your hair down and enjoy a Christmas party like adults is part of being held to a higher standard or something.

I sort of get the boss getting lap dances from a subordinate being frowned upon.  Sort of.  If it's not translating to any favors during office hours then no harm, no foul right?

I'm sure her insecure co-workers have thoughts, but that's on them.  I'm pro lap dance at the office Christmas party!


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