The NES That Saved Christmas

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chris-littlechild - December 29, 2015

So the holidays are still going on. How are you holding up? It isn't what it used to be, that's for damn sure. Back in the day, our biggest Christmas concern was whether we'd get that badass remote control robot we wanted. Now we're cooking for the whole family (even the ones who are assholes, which is most of them), spending way too much and going into debt.

But enough Scrooging it up. We were all young once, even me, many moons ago, and I faintly remember the good times. The nerdly gamer good times that evoke the true spirit of the holidays.

Remember Nintendo 64 Kid, the viral video of the little guy getting the console for Christmas and howling like an orgasming orang-utan about it? Of course you do. You'll never get those terrifying facial expressions out of your head. For a much less nightmarish, much cutesier version of that, you'll want to check this out.

Iretrogamer is here, with a holiday tale that would melt the frosty-ass heart of the Grinch himself. All he wanted for Christmas 1989 was a ‘Nintendo.' He got one, and the result was adorable. Take an ogle below, and swaddle yourself in holiday spirit:

Bugs Bunny underwear and Mouse Trap? You lucky little bastard. I'd be happy with that haul today.

Via Destructoid

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