The Gamer Guy’s Alphabet: K is for KARMA, or A–holes That Were Kicked in the A–hole for Their… A–holery

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chris-littlechild - September 7, 2012

Karma is an oft-ballyhooed notion that clefts us mortal flesh-bags into three entities: the believers, the it's bullshit-ers, and the not giving a shit, shut up with your jaw-flapping nonsense I'm trying to watch the football, scratching their balls on the couch with gleeful indolence-ers. (Huzzah for the latter, encompassing nigh every man ever born with a set of freely-swinging undercarriage!)

Perhaps you'd pause on your inexorable course along the street to aid a pensioner's passage across the road? Conversely, you may instead opt to laugh in malevolent schadenfreude as she's struck by a wantonly-careening 4x4; spreading loose false teeth and fragments of piss-soaked cardigan across the asphalt. (Fragments, you say? Do OAPs explode on contact with high-velocity motor vehicles? This is where the great proliferation of scientific research grants should be going, not dicking around with human ears on the backs of mice or cloning sheep. "It looks identical to every other bastard sheep in here!How do we know if it worked? Balls to sheep, let's clone alligators and coerce them into vicious knife-fights for our own amusement.")

Plainly, karma is a contentious issue. Above, we'll press-gang some gaming villains into exploring the comeuppance sense of the concept; for the noble twofold purpose of humor and piss-takery.

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