Miss Corona is still all around us and lockdown measures are still in affect in most areas, plus with the colder weather on it’s way it’s likely that all of us will become more serious about just staying home. The days of hanging out on Fire Island and social distancing in parks or on patios will be a distant memory and everyone will be back to sitting on their couches wondering what the hell there is to do at home. Here are 5 products that can make social distancing at home a little easier, at least while we have to!

Roku Ultra from Amazon
You know that feeling when you’re sure you’ve seen absolutely everything on Netflix? It happens to the best of us, but with this unit you’re able to stream nearly every movie or tv show to exist and have access to some of the biggest streaming services like AppleTV, HBO and HULU and it’s just a tiny little device that is easy to hide behind your tv.

Netgear Wifi Booster
Being stuck in the house you may find yourself wandering around and finding new random hang out spots, you might even go chill in a room you’ve never spent any time in or maybe finally make some use of a balcony space. In these situations you are definitely going to want to boost your wifi and have access to your phone, because if you’ve ended up in a random room you never hang out in, you’re really
really bored.

A Bluetooth Karaoke Kit
I recently watched Brett Ratner sing a song from his movie Rush Hour on a Karakoe machine at home with his 100 year old grandmother. It was heartwarming and really sweet and at the same time all I could think was, damn I need a microphone. Sometimes you just need to sing it out, and you want all your neighbours to hear you, sometimes yelling is just
not loud enough, you know? For 30 bucks, this thing can lead to hours of fun!

An Indoor Garden Kit
Guys, we’re living in unprecedented times here and we’re basically living like we’re on the moon. I mean I get it, some people still go to stores and stuff but I’m sure people spend way less time shopping for groceries and it’s become more of an in and out trip. The key to surviving life on the moon, or in your house all fall/winter/forever, is to grow your own herbs and vegetables. That way, you still have a little bit of new life arriving each day and that alone can give you hope. (Yes I’ve been watching that AWAY show on Netflix - shout out Hilary Swank)

A Shake Weight
You can’t just sit around all quarantine and get muscle atrophy as if you’re truly living in space, you have to keep things moving. You might be rich enough to afford a new Peleton or a used stationary bike off Craigslist, or you might be suffering like everyone is right now with lost work etc, not to be a downer or anything. Anyway this iconic Shake Weight is something you can use while you binge watch your next show off the Roku, while eating a meal you cooked using your indoor garden, with a recipe you found in that room you never go in, you get the point. Shake Weight, get those forearms ready for that pre-covid life we all assume will happen, one day.
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, so buy some stuff to keep you busy during your first COVID winter in isolation!