Terry Crews Setting Great Example For Sexual Assault Accusers

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elliot-wolf - March 8, 2018

If you’re a female entertainer looking to cash-out after some A-list actor catcalled you, you may soon encounter a slight hiccup in the process leading to a large lottery-winnings-like settlement. Terry Crews is setting a scary precedent for women who lie about sexual assault because he’s agreeing to take a mental health exam. Rose McGowan and many others would fail with flying colors and probably push to label mentally evaluating an individual as sexist. Because men should take women for their word without question, anything else is victim blaming.

Terry Crews has agreed to take a mental health exam in connection with his sexual assault lawsuit against an agent he claims groped him at a party. Lawyers for WME filed a stipulation in Crews' civil lawsuit. The stipulation says the exam will take 7 hours and it names a doctor who was mutually agreed upon. The exam will include a "comprehensive psycho-social and medical history and the administration of mental status testing and psychological testing."

Challenging the validity of an accuser’s sanity should be standard before accusations go public. Sexual assault allegations have entirely too much power to ruin the accused party. Almost every woman in Hollywood is suffering from a case of schadenfreude. The power positions have been permanently reversed. There’s no more holding lead roles for casting couch ransom when rape allegations, true or false, can ruin a director that doesn’t comply with a woman's demands. I applaud Teresa Crews for her bravery. Most women aren’t willing to endure rigorous mental exams after a talent manager touches you. She’s the hero MeToo deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

Photo Credit: Backgrid USA / Getty Images

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