Surprise! The Debut Trailer for ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Drops Unexpectedly (VIDEO)

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brian-mcgee - January 15, 2019


Out of nowhere this morning, Marvel and Sony dropped the first trailer for July's Spider-Man: Far From Home, the upcoming sequel to 2017's Homecoming. The trailer's got it all from Sam Jackson's Nick Fury to Jake Gyllenhaal's debut as Mysterio, but the one thing curiously missing is Tony Stark, who was a huge presence in Peter's life in the first two appearances the character made in the MCU.

Does this mean that Tony doesn't survive the events of Avengers: Endgame? Who knows? People thought he wouldn't survive Infinity War and look how that turned out. I mean, granted, it doesn't make much sense for Peter Parker or Nick Fury to be alive given the current state of things, pre-Endgame, but there's a movie to sell, along with action figures and lunchboxes, so, you know.

Whether this happens pre-or-post snap remains to be seen, though it would make the most sense for it to take place after the snap. Then again, one never knows with Marvel, the way those crafty devils like to constantly defy expectations. I guess we'll just twiddle our thumbs until Endgame comes out in April and gives us a definitive answer as to when this flick is set.

Spider-Man: Far From Home swings into theaters on July 5.

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