Star Wars TV and DVD News

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bill-swift - May 10, 2005

What would a day be here at Egotastic! without some news from the Star Wars front?

Today brings news that the new Star Wars TV series will be shooting in Australia, as did the last two films, and will run for 100 episodes. I don't think I've ever heard of a series being given a 100 episode run before a single script has even been written, so this is pretty exciting. I imagine the series will be syndicated, rather bought by one network, thereby increasing the chances of a longer run. Regardless of whether it airs on TV at all, though, the series is guaranteed to make a killing off DVD box sets.

Here's what George Lucas had to say in an interview from Static Multimedia:

The TV series, the animated TV series called 'Clone Wars' is about the clone wars. Some of it has been on the Cartoon Network, but we're making it into an actual half hour, 3D animation series, and the other one deals with minor characters. And the time period is between episode 3 and episode 4, that 20-year stretch, but the characters aren't any of the main characters that are in the movies.

In other Star Wars, the DVD for Revenge of the Sith, or Episode III, for those of you who haven't been paying attention, will be out in time for Christmas. I'm sure that was just a coincidence, but regardless, it should be the disc of the year. Of course, once it comes out, I'm going to have to buy whatever new box set they put out too. Probably one for the Prequel Trilogy, and another for all six films. has this:

"At some point," is all Lucas would offer about plans to release a six-DVD box set of the "Star Wars" series. "I am not sure when. First ['Revenge of the Sith'] will probably come out around Christmastime. Then, later on, there will be a six-pack." Before you get ready to storm the gates of Skywalker Ranch, however, you may find your dark side's rage diminishing as you hear about some of the "Sith" disc's bonus features. "There are five or six deleted scenes; they will all be on the DVD," said Rick McCallum, producer of the prequels. "They were great scenes, but they just had nothing to do with getting straight and cutting to the chase of the story. They were more plot-orientated and more setting up of Coruscant, more setting up of the war and kind of understanding where all the politics were." ...

And here's another fun article from MTV

All this and more at The Movie Blog

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