Snap Snap Go! Is An iOS Picture Game for Awful People

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bill-swift - April 19, 2013

You've seen 2 Girls 1 Cup (or at least heard about it.) You've played 4 Pics 1 Word. Now it's time to play a variation of it in the form of the self-proclaimed 'picture game for awful people' called Snap Snap Go!

The mechanics are simple. The player is presented with random phrases like 'McGyver could make it out of yarn' or 'On the internet, nobody knows you're a ____.' There's even one that goes 'Donald Trump could wear it as a toupee.'

You will then be tasked to supply an appropriate image for that phrase. Take a picture, search for one on the Internet, or edit whatever photos you find so that it'll fit the theme.

Once you submit the image, other players can then vote on the best response to that phrase. Kind of like Cards Against Humanity. It's all in good fun, even when things can get pretty offensive for some parties involved.

Get It: Free (iOS)

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