Snakes on a Plane Trailer

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bill-swift - March 18, 2006

Here's everything you need to know about the Samuel L. Jackson movie Snakes on a Plane:

  1. There are snakes on a plane.
  2. Samuel L. Jackson is in the movie.
  3. Samuel L. Jackson beats up snakes.
  4. Samuel L. Jackson uses Mace on a snake.
  5. There are snakes on a plane.
  6. Samuel L. Jackson demanded that the producers not change the name of the film from Snakes on a Plane.
  7. There are Snakes on a Plane.

Now, if that's not enough to get you psyched for this movie, nothing will. But if you need any extra enticement, becsure to check out the Snakes on a Plane trailer.


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