Simon’s Quest and the Top 10 Most Memorable Nintendo Power Covers of All Time

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bill-swift - September 4, 2012

Veteran gamers and the entire video game community is about to lose one of the greatest aspects of the '90s come December when Nintendo Power finally closes it's doors after decades of serving the fans with all the latest news from the world of video games. Originally started in 1988, Nintendo Power has been here since the start and, while it's sad to see it go, all good things must eventually come to an end. A moment of silence please...

In honor of one of the greatest video game magazines of all time, this week's Top 7 will be pushed up to a Top 10 and will feature some of the most memorable covers throughout the magazine's 24 years of service to the people. Nintendo isn't the video game ruler it used to be but no one saw this closure coming. It's going to make the rest of 2012 a sad time for Nintendo fans and it'll be hard to move on but we're here to help with 'Simon's Quest and the Top 7 Most Memorable Nintendo Power Covers of All Time'

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