Lex Jurgen - February 16, 2017
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Pornhub and SI are in the same business of cheap thrills. Pornhub apologizes far less, making them the more honest purveyor of spooge material.
There's this new corporate media notion that exploiting hot chicks then spinning it as female empowerment circles you back into political correctness. Nobody's going to throw bloody tampons on your stoop if you post fifty thousand photos of hot skinny airbrushed foreigners without tops on then add a couple heavy ladies and one old woman in a tankini and shadows. The Corleones were in the olive oil import business. We get it.
Climbing high as they might on the shameless virtue signaling tree, Time-Life shoved the SI Swimsuit Editor MJ Day and her chubby "real mom body" into a video on Instagram insisting that the SI Swimsuit mantra is all about acceptance for women of all shapes and sizes.
This year's Sport’s Illustrated Swimsuit issue is the most inclusive ever and features women of various ages, backgrounds and body types. We’re celebrating this vision of beauty and confidence on our feed… in our swimsuits. Because you should feel beautiful no matter what you wear, and we’re ready to love our swimsuits again.
Interesting. Also not borne out by any evidence whatsoever. In fact, visit your own website for the counter argument. Day is urging women to upload videos of their fat bodies in swimsuits to declare "what they model". Day says she models "determination". Fair enough. Because you're never getting work modeling swimsuits, least of all from your own employer.
Sex sells. Exploit it or don't. The people outside your particular Gotham echo chamber don't mostly care. Give us Kate Upton's tits. Don't give us the tits. You're now officially that constantly yammering kid in elementary school you couldn't wait to beat up at recess. Go back to torturing just yourself with your rationalizations. The first thirty-five years of this edition were so much easier.
Here's one of them tasteful, body-positive old tubbies SI is featuring on their homepage:
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