Sarah Hyland Pimping Stank with Pushed Up Boobs

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bill-swift - April 12, 2013

You know, as far as I'm concerned, there need not be more than two to three perfumes in this world. If you want to wear one, fine, but why the need for 10,000 different options? It's like food items at Taco Bell. We just need three on the menu, they all pretty much taste the same. Having said that, if it weren't for the long, full line of celebrity promoted stanks, we wouldn't get to see the likes of minxy little Sarah Hyland making the most of her modest chest on the red carpet pushing some merchandising aroma.

Sarah is most definitely part of our not-really-a-teen dream time fun times so any chance to see her out, flashing some cleavage, well it's worth it even if some ladies have to waste some money on yet another scent made in the exact same factory in Utah that all the others are. Enjoy.

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