Sarah Hyland Has A Yacht To Offer In Super Sexy Bikini Pic

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earl-jonas - May 15, 2019

When she hasn't been on the set of Modern Family, Hollywood's snarkiest starlet Sarah Hyland has been yacht hopping in hot bikinis, and I of course stan. Hard.  Stanra Day O'Connor. Hyland's kidney probs thankfully appear to be a thing of the past, and now she's free to just be sexy and twenty-eight and rich as holy hell.

Hyland might legitimately spend 80% of her life cruising around exotic location on yachts, so it should come as no surprise that this week she posted a sassy Insta pic of her looking like a million bucks on a multimillion-dollar boat. Hyland sports a bright red bikini top and sensible mommy sarong, and she says in her caption that in the candid shot she's singing "I Won’t Say (I’m in Love)" from Hercules. Not familiar with the tune, but I want to believe it's from Legendary Journey rather than Disney. Check out these sassy pics of Hyland kidneying around on yachts and give us your thoughts in the comments.



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We got #DownNDaugherty this weekend @grandvelascabos for the most beautiful Bride (inside & out) @kimhidalgo ❤️❤️❤️ #myvelasexperience

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Is this how the Models do it? Am I a Hadid yet?? How do I grow 10 inches??? 🎥: @wellsadams

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