Rear Window Wagging Cat Tail Car Decal is the Cat’s Meow

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bill-swift - August 30, 2013

You don't have to be a lover of cats to like this decal. It's one of the more clever decals we've seen which basically turns your car's rear window wiper into a cat's tail. Okay, so it's probably too cutesy for most dudes' tastes, but just think of the awesome things you can do with this thing.

Scenario one: Hot chick in a convertible behind your car.
Like what you see? Flick the wiper on and catch her attention. Girls dig this sort of thing. Trust me, they do.

Scenario two: Chick who won't go out with you because of your tough guy image.
Bring her to your car. Show her this. Crack a couple of cat jokes. You'll be in her pants before the night is over.Don't take our word for it. Try it for yourself and see what happens. Results not guaranteed but you can always just rip this thing off if things don't work out for you.

Check It Out: $12.99

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