Ready for More? Three New TV Spots for ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Hit (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - June 13, 2012

Hollywood's remake of the tale of everyone's favorite webbed superhero is hitting theaters in less than a month, and anticipation is running high. The release of clips and TV spots have upped the hype for The Amazing Spider-Man, the most recent being this extended clip of the Lizard making its way to Oscorp and Peter Parker telling his girlfriend's dad (who happens to be the NYPD chief) about the city's reptile problem.

But they're not done yet. To tease audiences even more, three new TV spots for The Amazing Spider-Man have been released. Hit play to view the spots in the player above, and mark your calendar down for July 3rd.

This new series of Spider-Man movies features Andrew Garfield as the slightly nerdy and gawky teenage who eventually becomes the masked hero. He's joined by his lady love, Gwen Stacy, who's portrayed by the gorgeous Emma Stone.

The Amazing Spider-Man swings to 2D, 3D, and IMAX theaters on July 3rd and stars Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen, and Sally Field alongside Garfield and Stone.

Are you ready for the untold story?

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