Nobody Likes Paris Hilton

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bill-swift - September 5, 2006

There are some people out there who like Paris Hilton. Those people are stupid. Everyone else hates Paris Hilton, and those are the people I like.

And I love the people who work at Bungalow 8, the New York nightclub, because after the MTV Video Music Awards last Thursday, Paris and her friends (including Brandon Davis and Sean "P. Diddy" Combs) were denied entry to the after party at the club.

The incident even went so far as to end with Paris in tears arguing with police. I don't know about you, but this bit of news just brightened up my day. I guess Karma comes around for everyone. And this just a few weeks after Paris laughed at Tara Reid who was denied entry to Hyde in LA.

Now, if you were dumb enough to buy Paris Hilton's album, you can go ahead and burn it. Don't worry, I'll wait.

More pictures after the jump.

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