Nicole Richie Bitches MySpace Style

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bill-swift - November 16, 2006

What's a modern girl to do when Page Six suggests she's had Gastric Bypass surgery (stomach stapling), and every blog in the world (except this one) jokes about it ad nauseum? Why, she should write a response her MySpace page, of course. And that's just what Nicole Richie did.

So i gain a little bit of weight, and im acussed of having a gastric bypass surgery reversed? Its pathetic of Page Six to insinuate i have done this. Anyone that knows anything about this surgery would know that legally, you must be AT LEAST 100 pounds overweight to even have the surgery done, and is a serious, life changing procedure; not one to throw around as a joke or a rumor. Ive given a statement I am in the process of putting on weight, and that should be enough. Its a shame to hear that instead of hearing supportive words, someone needs to spin it into some negative, absurd way

The real question, though, is not whether or not Nicole Richie has had surgery of one kind or another. The real question is why anyone cares. This girl has done absolutely nothing except ride Paris Hilton's coattails to fame (and stick her hand in a cow's ass).

I don't care. Do you care? You really shouldn't care.

And because this is pretty much the exact same post you'll find on every other blog today, here are the same Nicole Richie pictures. If you are easily offended at the site of Nicole Richie not wearing a bra, you are strongly cautioned to proceed no further.

More Nicole Richie pics after the jump.

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