Miley Cyrus Butt Banging and Crotch Showing Tour Continues in England

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bill-swift - May 8, 2014

Well, Miley Cyrus seems to be back to full health and exhibitionist status. After an extended recuperative stay in the hospital, Miley is back where she belongs, wagging her booty and exposing her crotch on stage to young girls and their mums who line up in droves to catch Miley in concert. Popular is popular and you can't take that away from Miley, though you could probably take away her clothes and she'd still be happy.

It's easy to mock Miley for her moves and raunchy acts, it takes more of an Egotastic man to be thankful for Miley pushing the envelope and forcing other pop divas to follow suit. Miley is making this world a much better place for us in the leering set. For that, I say thanks. And, enjoy.

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