Next Stop, Skynet: Meet the Automatic Gamer Robot

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bill-swift - February 11, 2016

Technology is an amazing, terrifying, batshit crazy thing. If you'd told our forefathers that we'd one day be able to take photos of our meals and beam them over to our buddies in New Zealand within a couple seconds of taking them, what the hell would they have thought? They'd wonder what the hell ‘photos' were, for one, and where this mystical ‘New Zealand' is for another.

But once they knew what the hell you were actually talking about, they'd have probably burnt you at the stake for your impossible crazy-talk. That's the point I'm getting at here. But screw that, we live in an age where McDonalds have started to deliver. What a freaking time to be alive.

The problem is that it moves so damn fast. You can buy a new cell phone/TV/whatever, and find it's been superseded a couple times before you've even gotten it home. In the same way, game-playing robots are quickly becoming smarter than the people who built them.

Over Japan way, Junya Sakamoto made himself an automatic Puzzle and Dragons-playing one. If we're being pernickety, it's really the laptop's smarts that are doing the work, but… damn. Check this bad boy out:

We've got to stop this sort of thing before it's too late. One day you're playing a harmless lil' cutesy puzzle game at ridiculous speeds, the next you're becoming sentient and trying to wipe out humanity. 

Via Kotaku

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