May 5: The Day ‘Louie’ Returns to FX

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bill-swift - March 15, 2014

It's been almost 20 months since we last saw a new episode of Louie, but our wait is about to end. On May 5th, the show will return to FX in all its hilariously-depressing glory as fourteen new episodes run back-to-back for seven weeks though June 16th.

As in previous seasons, the show will alternate between Louis C.K.'s stand-up routines and scripted segments showcasing his observational humor. If you've never seen the show, it's similar to Seinfeld, except with less silliness and more existential dread. And if you have seen the show, you know what it's like, and I've got nothing to add.

While 20 months is a long time, at least Louie has been busy. Aside from his usual work as a stand-up, he co-wrote a comedy pilot for FX with Zach Galifianakis, landed a voiceover roll in an upcoming animated film, and is hosting Saturday Night Live again on March 29th. (Source)

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