Mark Wahlberg’s Wife Shows No Signs of Wahlberg Procreation

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Lex Jurgen - December 29, 2016

Rhea Durham's had some Catholic mom number of kids and she's approaching forty and she merits a camel hugging thong. They don't pass out these Victoria's Secret runway invites to anybody at twenty-two. Somebody takes your measurements and sticks their finger up your ass and determines you worthy. If you can lay off the pound cake and take that idiotic Peloton wifi bike seriously, this is what you get even after spitting out tons of Wahlbergs.

Having a wife who looks this good this late into your relationship is why Marky Mark needs to keep up with the injections and spotters at the gym. Keep bench pressing because dudes keep wanting to fuck your wife. Also, there's Asians in your neighborhood again. Add more plates.

Photo Credit: Splash

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