Lottie Moss’ Updated Tattoo Tour – Featuring Her New Face Tattoo!

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Echo Lawrence - December 12, 2022

Lottie Moss went a little wild this weekend after partying a bit too hard and wandering into a tattoo shop, something that never really ends well. The model shared a TikTok following her adventures to the shop and revealed that she ended up getting a face tattoo with the word "Lover" being written under her left eye.

The model has been battling comments on her channel for the last 24 hours, with people commenting that she's totally grounded and others asking if she's back on drugs, which Lottie claims she isn't.

Since acquiring the latest tattoo, the model decided it was time to give us all a tattoo tour, going though all of her body art including some she would like removed, like her ex boyfriends initials.

See more from Lottie and her brand new face tattoo below!

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