Loki is NOT Happy to See Hulk in Hilarious New ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Spot (VIDEO)

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brian-mcgee - October 2, 2017


The last time Loki saw Hulk, the green giant was using him to redecorate the floor in Tony Stark's living room in the first Avengers movie. That makes this new moment from a newly discovered Thor: Ragnarok TV spot even better as it gives us a glimpse of what Loki's reaction is to seeing Hulk in the gladiatorial arena.

This TV spot aired last night but hasn't been picked up by any major sources yet, hence the poor quality, but it's definitely giving off that fun, feel-good vibe that we've been getting from all of the advertising thus far. In the race of which is gonna be the more fun and enjoyable comic book movie in November, this one's got Justice League dead to rights. I'm looking forward to both, but I know I'm gonna walk out of Thor: Ragnarok having had a much better time.

Marvel's been doing this for too long to screw it up now. Infinity War comes out on the tenth anniversary of the MCU next May, so I think they're not sweating any competition they may receive from Justice League. Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3, fourteen days before DC's big team up.

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