Lindsay Lohan Makes Harry Morton Smile

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bill-swift - August 25, 2006

Why is Lindsay Lohan's boyfriend, Harry Morton smiling? Well, it could be that he's super-duper rich (I think his family just made $1.2 Billion, or something), or the fact that he's getting his name and face in all the tabloids, but something inside me says he's smiling because he gets to have sex with Lindsay Lohan. All the time.

The best part, though, is the way Harry Morton is exchanging knowing glances with the paparazzi. As Lindsay diverts her gaze, he flashes a smile, looks over at Lindsay, then looks straight back at the camera, as if to say "Oh, yeah, I'm hitting that." I'm sure he's also loving the extra publicity for his restaurant chain, the aptly named Pink Taco Restaurants.

But let's be honest. If you were filthy rich, minorly famous, and having sex with Lindsay Lohan, wouldn't you be smiling? Yes, you would. You know you would. Don't even try to deny it.

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