Lesbians Love Sophia Bush

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bill-swift - September 13, 2006

Well, this has got to be the most interesting piece of celebrity news I've seen in a long while, as far as putting naughty thoughts in your head goes. Turns out, sexy One Tree Hill star Sophia Bush has quite the lesbian following. According to The Sun, after playing a string of lesbian characters, Sophia has become the object of affection for many a lonely lesbian. Here's what she had to say about it:

On the first season of Nip/Tuck I played a bi-sexual and in John Tucker Must Die I had to kiss Brittany my co-star, which was awkward because she's one of my best friends.

That was weird.

I've started getting interesting propositions from some female fans. (I get) some letters. The barista at a Starbucks I frequent has started asking me if I would not mind playing for the other team.

I had to kindly say no, but she makes really great coffee so I still go in every day. I'm not thinking about it, but I appreciate it greatly.

Must. Not. Think. Naughty. Thoughts...

Okay, I'm back.

All I can say is: "The L Word." That's right people, I'm with the lesbians on this one. What would be better than seeing Sophia Bush once again playing a character playing for the other team? And on Showtime, they show boobies. And Bush.

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