Latest ‘The Order’ Trailer Brings Huge Freaking Sideburns and Lots of Violence

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chris-littlechild - January 24, 2015

The Order: 1886 has been happily chugging along in the sidelines, overshadowed a little by 2015‘s bigger upcoming releases. But there comes a time when a video game has to stop, draw a line in the sand and say, ‘bollocks to this. I've got freaking werewolf-things having their kneecaps blown off by a shotgun, and I demand your attention.'

For the uninitiated, The Order is a TPS action-adventure, exclusive to PS4. It's set in a paralel London where a band of studly knights (don't pretend those badass sideburns aren't the manliest thing you ever saw, because they totally are) defend humanity from half-breeds. These are people who have become creepy-ass mutants, for... some reason or other. It's an excuse for some badass gunplay with angry monsters, let's leave it at that.

The timeline's a little whack, but games don't need to be big on the whole historical accuracy thing. We didn't come here for the learnin', partner. We came for the limb-lopping, the arterial spray, the decapitations and the general goretacular goodtimes.

If there's one thing The Order likes, it's anachronistic weaponry of huge destructive power. I'm pretty damn fond of that sort of thing too, which is why the electro gun, proximity guns and other fancy-ass toys on display here are looking so sweet. Check it out:

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