Katie Price Shows Her Wild Side In Ridiculously Curvy Animal Print Bikini

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aldo-vallon - August 29, 2018

I hope Katie Price’s doctor warned her that she would never be able to hide her cleavage again before he shoved those implants in there. That is the kind of life altering inconvenience that people never think of when making these kinds of decisions, but they are the kind that you should be made aware of.

I know this from firsthand experience. When I got my butt cheek implants no one warned me that I would never be able to wear lowriding pants again. There is simply too much crack to contain. Now I have to live with this decision for the rest of my life. I mean, I could get the implants removed, but that just feels like a waste of money. It is not like there is a market for secondhand implants. Is there?

Is there any regulation in the world of body implants? What kind of ethics board do these doctors answer too? Part of me feels like the world of plastic surgery is still some exploratory science where it is acceptable to use people as guinea pigs, and we all give it a pass since we all want to see where it takes us.


Photo Credit: Backgrid USA

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