Kate Beckinsale Christmas Miracle

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egoadmin - December 30, 2019

Despite all the rumors, Kate Beckinsale has not been abducted by a group of scientists and kept prisoner in some research facility in some remote part of the world, where the are analyzing her DNA to try to understand why she doesn't age, why she looks so great, and why her fans are lucky enough to appreciate her through the decades as the hotness that she is, while other celebrities you get into often fall off, some much harder than others as they basically rot away...leaving us with artifacts of their youth. Pictures, videos, movie roles than give us a glimpse of what was, while Beckinsale just keeps on bringing it and by it, I mean her tits in a titty top for her family Christmas with her homosexuals. Homosexuals that you probably wish you were, or would be willing to be, just to get a chance to get into the closet with Kate as she tries on her various provocative outfits...only for your erection to throw off the dynamic and possibly excite her enough thinking she broke your homosexuality like she was some kind of conversion therapy your mom tried to send you to back in High School because you were a little too into the Backstreet Boys. If you know what I mean.

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