Johanna Lundback Bikini and Lingerie Double Down Hot Body Madness

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bill-swift - May 2, 2014

Swedish brunette hottie Johanna Lundbackhas just about the most righteous body around for modeling bikinis, bras and panties, hopefully my shirt from the wild night before and other such dreamy items. Nelly Swimwear locked her and her body up to visually represent their little bits of wardrobe meant to flatter the delicious curves that make women so much ever better than men. It seems to be working.

While I do try to keep my own lingerie purchasing for my closet of shame down this time of year when it's real bikini season, the likes of Johanna Lundback and her amazingly addictive visual wonderments make it difficult to show restraint. I can only imagine how difficult it makes it for women actually shopping to wear these things. Everything looks crazy hot. How do you choose? Enjoy.

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