Lex Jurgen - September 15, 2017
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When Jessica Biel posts those photos about how she's such a busy working mom, she has to eat her free-range non-GMO chicken breakfast sausages in shower, she's wasn't kidding. In addition to raising her one child with the help of less than four people, she films part of the year on a TV show and also is one of the celebrity owners of Au Fudge, the trendy Melrose Avenue lunch and party spot with an all-organic kids menu. This woman must have twenty-five hours in her day.
Everybody loves Jessica Biel, save for her wait staff who are suing the shit and out of her and her wealthy partner owners for stiffing them on private party gratuities. This is no small amount. Given the celebrity nature of the hangout, the restaurant is routinely rented out for studio and TV company private parties and events, with a 22% gratuity built into the massive checks. The suing wait staff claims this stuff job amounts to over $400,000 that went into somebody's pockets, not their own for their service work at the restaurant. They want that back, plus money for missed rest breaks, and a million in punitive damages. Why not.
Attorneys for the owners insisted that the tips weren't intentionally held from the restaurant staff, but that a "computer glitch" caused the money to be accidentally routed to the wrong account. The digital age version of, are you sure you didn't get the check? Maybe go look in your mailbox again? I'm sure we sent it. Also, how long does this glitch continue? Because after coming up with the excuse, wait staff was still never paid, up to the date they filed suit. Was the Geek Squad on a six month backup?
You can tell a lot about people by the way they tip and treat their waiters. You can tell even more about people by how they try to shaft the shit out of their employees. It's quite possible Jessica Biel, despite being the hardest working mom since the Coal Miner's Daughter, is not heavily involved in the operations of her trendy restaurant. Though the signature cocktail is named after her, as is the monitored kids room where ladies exhausted from boutique shopping can leave the kids while they down a few of those signature drinks and trust it mixes well with benzodiazepines.
It never looks good when rich people fuck over their paycheck to paycheck living staff.
Photo Credit: Splash News
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