It’s Trinity Love Brings the Egotastic! Branded TikTok!

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Tex Hollywood - March 25, 2020

We jumped on this @itstrinitylove on TikTok early and sent her out an Egotastic! Tank top for her FULL and amazing bosom. Get in before they are too famous to give us the time of day. The classic girl getting too popular to go to prom with us. Rachel...I'm talking to you.

I guess I just found humor in the basic logic that influencers are basically as empty as a sex doll and the ideal of a sex doll being able to do influencer work was HILARIOUS to me.

So here's that special branded Dance Video like this babe was EmRata, only with MORE personality and less PLASTIC and ARTIFICIAL.

As far as I'm concerned it makes more sense for a sex doll to make TikTok dance videos than grown ass women who are rich as hell looking for more likes and follows or to stay relevant. Sure it's hot to watch, but embarrassing. While this girl literally CAN'T get embarrassed, so it makes it funny.

Not to mention, you can't get COVID-19 from her if you Lysol her down, so maybe a great alternative to online dating in these dark times.

The longer you go without human contact, the hotter she becomes. So support our favorite TikTok girl and Follow Her Now!

Here's her tiktok that went viral:

Watch on TikTok

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