Hulk Hogan was secretly gay now or something

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editor - August 17, 2011

Linda Hogan has a new book called "Wrestling the Hulk: My Life Against The Ropes", and in the prologue she talks about why she left Hulk Hogan, how she "summoned the courage to take the first step toward happiness", and how she hopes her story will inspire other women, "to move on in their own lives."

There's nothing in the prologue about why she still calls herself Linda Hogan still even though they divorced 4 years ago or why she's posing in a wrestling ring for the cover of a book about how she wanted to have her own life away from the wrestler, but it didn't mention this seemingly relevant aspect of Hulks life either.

(Linda) appeared on Matty P's Radio Happy Hour when the host went through a series of questions culled from fan emails; at one point, he asked Linda if Hulk and Brutus Beefcake carried on "an intimate relationship."
"Wow, I don't know how to answer this, so I don't end up getting a lawsuit," she said, laughing.  "A little bird told me, ‘Yes they think they did.'"

What a lucky coincidence that Matty P's Radio Happy Hour asked his ones of listeners for questions and then an anonymous email named the specific person Hulk Hogan had a gay affair with! I mean, case closed. Even Hulk himself would have to admit that this kind of thing would be impossible to fake.

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