‘Gran Turismo Sport’ Drops Some Gameplay

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chris-littlechild - May 23, 2016

  When the new generation of consoles hit, a lot of us in the gametastic world weren’t all that convinced. Sure, it has all the teraflops and gigadealies you could want, can boil an egg in 7 seconds and has a 0-60 of 5, but what are we playing on it? That was the question.  

Buying into a new console, and/or choosing betwixt Xbox One and PS4, exclusives are the way to go. On launch, there was so little to choose from in that regard. We’re doing a lot better now, with Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Bloodborne and the like, but there are still so many other franchises that need to be represented.

One of the big ones in the PlayStation corner is Gran Turismo. The premier racing sim is always a technical powerhouse, just the thing to wow fans into buying in to Sony’s latest huge chunky box. But it wasn’t to be. Not for a couple years, anyway. Gran Turismo: Sport is only just materializing now.

The game was announced six months ago, but we’re only now getting some gameplay. It’s not a standard series entry, but it’s sure got all the trappings it needs. It’s all about the tracks, the cars and the scenery, and making those three things look as sexy as possible.

From the moment that BMW M4 Coupe cruised through that forest clearing in dramatic slow-mo (like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator, on wheels), I knew I was in for a good time. Check it out below.

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