Graduation Cat is Out of the Bag…And On the Cake Instead

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bill-swift - June 18, 2013

Graduation day is bittersweet. It marks the day when you finally have to get a job and stop being a bum-slash-student mooching off from your parents once in a while. But it's also the time when you get to say goodbye to homework and finally get to bang the hot substitute teacher who you've had your eye on for the entire semester.

Graduation day is a huge deal and it deserves a cake. One particularly doting mother got her daughter a special cake to commemorate the event...only things didn't go as planned because of one baker who was hard of hearing.

Carol Gambrel had a photo cake made of her daughter Laura and instructed the baker to add a cap on her head, since it was graduation day and all. Instead of a cap, however, the baker iced on a cat instead.

'Cap' and 'cat' sound a bit similar, but what in holy hell was the baker thinking when he was icing the cat on the chick's head?

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