Don’t Worry Everybody, George Miller Is Definitely Making More ‘Mad Max’ Movies

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bill-swift - January 15, 2016

On Monday, Australian film maker George Miller was quoted in a Page Six article as saying he would not be making any more Mad Max movies.  Which was weird, because Mad Max: Fury Road was crazy good, and because just last week Miller was all like, oh yeah I've got two more stories worked out. 

Hell, I bet execs over at Warner Bros. did spit takes with their nonfat soy lattes when they saw that writeup. 

Fortunately, it turns out that report was all just a big misunderstanding. On Thursday, just minutes after Fury Road received 10 Academy Award nominations, including ones for Best Director and Best Picture, George Miller explained to The Wrap that he was misquoted—perhaps because he wasn't speaking intelligibly on the red carpet at the National Board of Review after travelling for 27 hours just to get there. 

"That was a completely garbled interview. I was in New York and it was so noisy and the journalist was asking me questions on a red carpet at the National Board of Review. She completely got the wrong fragments of information that were just not true. I said no, [another ‘Mad Max' movie] will not be next, and she took that to mean I never wanted to make another ‘Mad Max.' It won't necessarily be next, but I have two more stories."

So don't worry everybody. You'll get more Mad Max eventually.

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