Gaming’s Greatest Porn Parodies: Pun-tacular, Preposterous, Sleazy and Utterly Unmissable

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chris-littlechild - August 2, 2012

Unmissable is probably not le mot juste. It may imply a suggestion to enter your local Sleaze-atorium (with its wantonly-and-morally-dubious stained carpet unwashed since the fall of the Berlin Wall; and all-pervading miasma of despair exuded by lonely gauchos that devour baked beans raw from the tin with the curtains drawn) to inquire after these items. This, you must not do. There's nary enough frontal lobe bleach in the Milky Way to expunge the fetid likes of Poké a Mom from your memory glands.

In lieu of that grim fate, join us in the gallery. We provide another solemn-yet-ficticious affidavit that this is the funniest, punniest and bun(s)iest madness you'll see today. A twofold salutation to nerd-inspired boobage and wordplay that threatens to engulf us all in glorious celestial hilarity. Call of Booty: Modern Whorefare? Super Hornio Brothers?Touché indeed.

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