Erica Durance Pictures and Video from Smallville

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bill-swift - November 4, 2005

How awesome is Smallville this year!? Not only is Erica Durance taking her clothes off every other week, but the story lines have been really good. I do think, however, that the pop culture references are being a little over used. Last week they had Carrie Fisher and James Marsters guest starring so they obviously had to do a bunch of Star Wars and Buffy the Vampire Slayer references. Those were alright, "Project 1138" was a nice touch and so were the "Buffy Sanders" and "slaying Buffy the Vampire" bits. Plus Clark's whole first-time cape-wearing experience was funny. But this week's inclusion of Tom Wopat from Dukes of Hazzard, and all the dumb car gags that came with him were definitely on the "too much" side of things. If they cut out the over-the-top stuff, and stick with the fun Superman in-jokes, this season will probably be the best yet. And, oh yeah, we need to see way more of Erica Durance doing the whole minimal clothes thing.

Lots more HDTV vidcaps after the jump.

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