Elyse Taylor Bikini Bottom Braless Down Under

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bill-swift - March 2, 2016

Elyse Taylor has been around for forever and she's only 29 which is insane because I feel like I've been appreciating her sextastic to the gentle background sounds of Journey for so many years now. She did start showing off her body in fashion magazines as a late teen, so she's got a solid decade plus pedigree of simply being super hot and ultimately Australian looking in face and body.

Elyse was snapped on the beach of the land Down Under in some kind of style magazine spread, featuring her hotness in a white bikini bottom and some kind of sheer coverup that didn't entirely coverup her lack of a bikini top. Good on you, Elyse. There are horny starving gentleman oglers in this world who need a fill-up of visual wonderments. There's no reason why you can't serve two masters. The paycheck and the cranked necks. It's probably the inappropriate time to ask to see even more, but I'm super inappropriate. Elyse, pretty please. Enjoy.

Photo Credit: Splash

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