Eddie George Insists He Wasn’t Cheating on his Wife

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Michael Garcia - March 10, 2012

Eddie George, former NFL stud running back, has some splainin' to do. Eddie was a passenger in a car driven by 21-year-old professional golfer Rachel Connor when she was pulled over for a DUI at 2am earlier this week in Florida.

Immediately people were wondering what Eddie, married to singer Tamara Johnson since 2004, would be doing in such a car at such a time. TMZ got Eddie's side of the story.

Seems Eddie was at a charity golf event and celebrating with a group that included Connor. As it was time to head out, it happened that Eddie and Rachel were going the same direction.

Rachel Connor was simply trying to be nice by offering me a ride. 

TMZ has Eddie George's full statement, which is worth reading. Remember, drinking and driving are not okay. And taking rides from hot, young, blonde golfers isn't a good idea for married dudes, either.

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