‘Dead Rising 3’ Unleashes Operation Broken Eagle, For All Your Spec Ops Badassery Needs (VIDEO)

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bill-swift - January 23, 2014

Dead Rising, as we know, isn't used to protagonists who have actually got their shit together. Oftentimes, it's some unfortunate Average Joe, wandering into a zombie-infested crapstorm and improvising to survive. They'll fashion a crude weapon from assorted household implements like MacGyver, and start merrily ramming it into zombie gonads. That's just how things are done around here.

So what happens when a man-tastic Spec Ops dude crashes the party? Operation Broken Eagle happens, that's what.

The first slice of Dead Rising 3 DLC has hit Xbox One, introducing us to Commander Kane. This guy knew he was having a bad day from the moment a zombie fired a rocket straight into his effing face (a pretty big indicator of a craptacular day, right there), and it's about to get a whole lot worse.

Take a look above, as Kane faces off with the festering horde. Sometimes with actual proper guns, sometimes by getting into the Dead Rising spirit and bashing them in the teeth with a shovel. Either way, we're on board. Check out the Operation Broken Eagle DLC for the new character's side story, plus exclusive weapons and a custom vehicle.

Via Destructoid.

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