Claire Danes Discusses Body Shaming, Fuck Yeah

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Lex Jurgen - November 18, 2015

Claire Danes shares with Allure magazine that her body is commented on infinitely more than her male counterparts. Which may or may not be explained by her male counterparts not routinely conducing interviews about their body image in Allure magazine. Or the fact that you simply expect somebody with a giant mouth to be less emaciated.

It's just so ingrained in us, the idea that we should take up the right amount of space, literally and figuratively. I've wrestled with this my whole life, as just a person in the world and as somebody who makes images. It's OK to want to look and feel your best. It's OK to work at being attractive, whatever that means to you. And it's also OK to not expect to be defined by that. It's OK to be powerful in every way: to be big, to take up space. To breathe and thrive.

Re-read that yourself, Claire Danes and please admit it sounds like a guy explaining to his girlfriend why he has a room charge from a local hotel on his credit card statement.

It can't possibly fly over the head of every woman in Hollywood that it is the female fashion and looks culture, run by women for women, that is leading women to feel ashamed of their bodies. This mythology about a few virgin teen trolls on Twitter disabling a confident woman's self-esteem is bullshit. Also, totally optional. Get off Twitter. Good luck when you tell your publicist you no longer want to appear in Vogue, Allure, Glamour, or Seventeen. I read ESPN the magazine and I don't feel a bit concerned about how fat my ass looks in slacks. Not everybody has the will power to refuse sustenance like Claire Danes. Also, Bartolo Colon still gets paid millions to pitch in World Series.

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